Absence [Documentation] 

Interactive Installation 2024

 MIDI Keyboard, projection, 3D models, audio files.

The music that emerges from the world never repeats itself. Here, an instrument can create a boundless variety of images, with your help. As you explore the combinations made possible by such a modular system, imagine that you participate not in the creation of a unique artwork, but in the artwork’s own modest contribution to the world’s expansive generation of poetry. I made a set of 3d scans as I moved through life and my local environment; these scans are scenes removed from their contexts so they may replicate. As they come back into the time of the world through interaction, the materials of my life make something new, generating connections between parts of experience, surviving even as they are partially dissolved in a system. While particulars of my life are reduced to opaque representations in this system, the continuous dissolution of identity is also an endless source of something sublime. I exist somewhere in the piece, but the music of absence defines it.